
In Their Words

blog post title above a depiction of different females with a variety of disabilities

A New Disabled South

Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at a year old, I have lived with a disability my entire life. But that’s not what compelled me to become an activist. What politicized me

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Blog post title over street mural

Gentrification in Leimert Park

GGM reporters set out to understand the historically black, significant and creative neighborhood of Leimert Park in Los Angeles, and how gentrification has changed it’s distinct character recently, by interviewing

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doctors surrounding a clipboaard

I Don’t Have to Fit in a Box

By Marisol Gainey Gone are the days that I would paint my face away. Covering more than the blemishes peeking out from under skin. Dressing in hopes of being objectified,

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women holding signs that say "equal pay"

When Will This Change?

By Joanna Hernandez Dr. Nicole Haggard is a faculty member in the Film, Media, and Social Justice program at Mount Saint Mary’s University, and also part of the Equal Voice

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Woman holding a sign that reads "The Future is Female", scrapbook collage

The Future is Female

By IIana DeLue Dr. Nicole Haggard is a faculty member in the Film, Media, and Social Justice program at Mount Saint Mary’s University, and also part of the Equal Voice

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basket of laundry

Laundry Day

By Curtis Clifton The following short film is a light hearted take on housework, with gender roles swapped. Far too often Women are saddled with the majority of the domestic

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