Survivors Need VAWA—But the ERA Would Make It Even More Powerful

UNITED STATES - FEBRUARY 9: Actress Angelina Jolie joins U.S. Senatrors during their press conference announcing a bipartisan modernized Violence Against Women Act in the Capitol on Wednesday, February 9, 2022. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images).

After months of negotiations, a bipartisan group of senators announced Wednesday that they had reached a deal to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)—which has been expired since December… Continue reading Survivors Need VAWA—But the ERA Would Make It Even More Powerful

Gen Z and the ERA: The Importance of a Generational Fight for Equal Rights

2/16/2022 by MADISON GUSLER The Equal Rights Amendment has been in the works for almost 100 years. In 1972, the amendment passed in Congress. Now 50 years later, the required 38 states… Continue reading Gen Z and the ERA: The Importance of a Generational Fight for Equal Rights

Rising in the Rankings, Arab Women Dream Of Gender Equality

A woman leads the singing during a demonstration in Tahrir Square. Many women are part of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, while there are also a large group of students. After the Janurary 25th revolution protesters occupied Tahrir Square in Cairo Egypt and demanded the overthrow of the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. who has ruled over the country for 30 years. On Feburary 11th, with the square's population reaching two million Mubarak resigned launching the country into an era (Photo by Monique Jaques/Corbis via Getty Images)

2/18/2022 by FATMA TAWFIK Arab countries have made strides increasing women’s representation in government, but there’s still progress to be made to achieve political equality. To read more visit: Ms.… Continue reading Rising in the Rankings, Arab Women Dream Of Gender Equality

Op-Ed: Taxing tampons isn’t just unfair, it’s unconstitutional

By Erwin Chemerinsky, Jennifer Weiss-Wolf If the government were to require that only men or only women had to pay a tax of several hundred dollars a year solely because… Continue reading Op-Ed: Taxing tampons isn’t just unfair, it’s unconstitutional

The ERA is Officially The Law

On January 27th, 2022, Representative Jackie Speier said, “Two years ago, the final state Virginia ratified the amendment. The amendment says two years…it is law. And that’s today.”  According to… Continue reading The ERA is Officially The Law

Kavita Ramdas

Director of Women’s Rights Program of Open Society Foundations What would a gender equal world look like? How will we know when we’ve achieved it? “I like to think of… Continue reading Kavita Ramdas

Choosing People AND Planet: Are Women in Your Definition of Sustainability?

“If we could begin to understand why people act or make the decisions they do, then, couldn’t we start to make a positive step forward together?…” To read more visit: Women’s… Continue reading Choosing People AND Planet: Are Women in Your Definition of Sustainability?

Mom, I Always Knew You Were a Lesbian

Today, on #LesbianVisibilityDay, I recall how I collected the courage to become authentic. It had been six years since I delicately disclosed to my teenage son that I was dating… Continue reading Mom, I Always Knew You Were a Lesbian

Disability Discrimination: Innocent but Blatant

The feeling of separation hurt me; I saw myself as capable, intelligent and equal, and that this odd leg should be a characteristic that was overlooked… To read more visit: Women’s… Continue reading Disability Discrimination: Innocent but Blatant

What is Women’s Health? It’s More Than You Think

When we hear “women’s health,” we should picture everything from the food labels that warn us about the hidden, unhealthy. When you hear “women’s health,” your mind is likely drawn to… Continue reading What is Women’s Health? It’s More Than You Think