Media and pop culture don’t always represent us. It’s time we tell our stories our way.

Pop The Culture e-zine

We live in a pop culture bubble. It’s the social media accounts we follow, the music we listen to, the clothes we wear.

Pop culture is all around us! And it’s powerful.

It can influence our decisions, opinions of others, and even ideas about ourselves. Ever look at an influencer and think, “How can I look like that?”

Mainstream pop culture can be problematic; like the major lack of diversity that erases the stories and imagery of people with various body-types, disabilities, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ folks.

It’s time to “pop” mainstream culture.

#PopTheCulture is a zine that defies mainstream media and amplifies underrepresented stories and creativity.

To learn more about this initiative visit: Breakthrough

Breakthrough is a partner of the ERA Coalition and the Fund for Women’s Equality.

Connect and Follow Us
Twitter: @4womensequality and @eracoalition
Instagram: @fundforwomensequality and @eracoalition

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