By Sheila

“Black women who do succeed do so with great sacrifice that has an ill effect on their personal and family lives, their self-esteem, and their health. This is why they are taking their skills and passion and going elsewhere,” according to a study done by Fast Company.

Black female entrepreneurs are the subject of my story because their work towards creating a better system for themselves deserves to be seen and heard. Black women are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S., as of 2021.

Whether it be lines of credit, additional resources, grants, etc. these women have not been given the same acknowledgment as white, male business owners.

Read Sheila’s full essay here.

Here is Sheila’s project in video format.

This project was made in collaboration with GlobalGirl Media-ChicagoThe ERA Coalition, and The Fund for Women’s Equality. You can learn more about this collaboration here.

Learn more about the Equal Rights Amendment:

Video on the ERA

History of the ERA: 

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