By Naomi

Hispanic, immigrant women are particularly vulnerable to workplace harassment because they are often placed in positions that are low in status because of their documentation and sex/gender.

I interviewed my mother and my aunt who have a direct connection to this topic, as they have experienced this behavior in their workplaces. I created two illustrations that display their emotions and thoughts…

The painting’s colors signify the people and the words that have stayed with my mom, that have consumed her, that have turned a blind eye to the abuse she has experienced. This causes her to direct the negativity back at herself.
The Virgin Mary represents the irony of how in Hispanic culture women are supposed to represent purity, and hope, yet many are mistreated. They are screamed at to keep them in line, and “tied up” to benefit others. Women are constantly kept at war between themselves and the society around them.

You can read Naomi’s full essay here.

This project was made in collaboration with GlobalGirl Media-ChicagoThe ERA Coalition, and The Fund for Women’s Equality. You can learn more about this collaboration here.

Learn more about the Equal Rights Amendment:

Video on the ERA

History of the ERA: 

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