Each year in Chicago, 16,000 women fall prey to trafficking, with most of these women being underage, and Black. These women are taken advantage of and manipulated and many survivors end up with criminal records due to the different types of coercion they experience by their captors.

What is worse is that there are very few programs in Chicago that aid in rehabilitating women that have dealt with this trauma.

One program that provides housing for these women is hosted by The Salvation Army, called Ann’s House, which is a program that gives sex trafficking victims a safe place to stay. In Ann’s House they are taught to cook, wash clothes, and do the things that will help them take care of themselves. Programs like these try to give women affected by this issue a second chance at life.

So, what is the legal side of all of this? Right now, the way to prevent soliciting is a fine of $1,000, which, in some cases, has proven to be effective, reducing repeat offenses. Still though, these women face the same struggles on a daily basis. This is where I believe the Equal Rights Amendment would be very important…

You can view Mya’s full project here.

About the Author

I am Mya and I am from Chicago, Illinois. I am 17-years-old and I enjoy reading and singing during my free time. I attend Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep on the South Side of Chicago. I’m the proud daughter of a CPS Principal and I am planning on becoming one, myself, one day.

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Video on the ERAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-s61h1FH2E&t=1s

History of the ERA: https://www.eracoalition.org/the-amendment 

We are the Fund for Women’s Equality: https://youtu.be/8ogt45BN_SY 

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