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Global Rights for Women NOW

September 15, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT
Virtual event- from your home

Global Rights for Women NOW is the live, global event that brought together over 1,500 attendees from over 27 countries in 2020, and supports women and girls' human right to be free from violence with all proceeds supporting Global Rights for Women, the Minneapolis-based nonprofit of which ERA Coalition/FFWE are longtime supporters.

After last year’s incredible event, we are looking forward to another equally inspiring and global event. This year we’ll hear from human rights leaders and activists including: returning Emcee Lizz Winstead, co-creator of The Daily Show; Amy Klobuchar, US Senator from Minnesota; Zainab Salbi, Iranian activist and human rights leader; Kamla Bhasin, activist and human rights leader from India; Gary Barker, President of Promundo USA and leading global voice in advancing positive masculinities; Cheryl Thomas, GRW Executive Director and renowned international women’s human rights lawyer, any many of GRW’s international partners. There will also be cameos and musicians all featured in an inspiring and jam-packed one-hour event.

Use this registration link here to get free access to the event as a member/supporter of the ERA Coalition/Fund for Women's Equality.

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