The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has been a topic of debate for decades. The amendment was first introduced in 1923 and seeks to guarantee equal rights under the law regardless of sex. Despite the continued push for the amendment it has yet to be published in the U.S. Constitution, despite reaching the required number of states for ratification. Some people doubt the necessity of the ERA in 2023 and worry that it may strip away rights. However, the truth is that the ERA is beneficial for all people and will help to advance our economy.

Protestors holding signs about justice and equality

One of the primary benefits of the ERA is that it will provide legal protection against discrimination on the basis of sex. This means that both men and women will be guaranteed equal rights under the law, including in the workplace. For example, currently, women in the U.S. still earn less than men for doing the same job. This is a form of sex discrimination that the ERA would help to eliminate. By ensuring equal pay for equal work, the ERA would help to boost the economy by increasing the spending power of women and the families they support (and don’t we want everyone contributing to the growth of the economy?)…

To continue reading visit: The ERA Coalition

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