Pioneering Philanthropic Investment in Young Leaders Using Arts and Culture, and Organizing Strategies to Build Community Power and Advance Transformational Societal Change

NEW YORK, NY – The Youth Organizing and Culture Change Fund (YOCCF) today announced its inaugural cohort of ten New York City-based youth-led and youth-serving organizations that will receive support to advance their work and build community at the intersection of organizing, arts, culture, and systemic social transformation. With catalytic funding provided by the Ford Foundation and Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation, YOCCF will offer invited organizations capacity building support, leadership development opportunities, and community-building efforts with artists, cultural producers, and philanthropic partners. Through the two-year pilot program, YOCCF participants will learn, develop, and test cultural and organizing strategies that lead to systemic, transformative societal change in communities across the city…

To continue reading visit: The Ford Foundation

The Ford Foundation is a partner of the ERA Coalition and the Fund for Women’s Equality.

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